Showing 21 - 40 of 49 results for The internet office
Climate compensation
The basis for our climate strategy is to gradually reduce greenhouse gas emissions according to clear targets on a yearly basis and in the longer term. We are aware that in the short term, we will not be able to reduce all emissions. One important element of our climate strategy is thus to include climate compensation for the emissions we are unable to avoid.
Climate work
Like many other players in our industry, we are working to increase our understanding of what impact our operations have on the climate and the environment, including water, biodiversity and ecosystems. We are continuously deepening our knowledge and analysis of our climate impact. By calculating our emissions using the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP) within scopes 1, 2 and 3 both upstream and downstream, we can create a picture of our impact. Upstream means the emissions created by how our own operations are conducted, for example by heating the premises in which we conduct business and through business trips taken by our employees. Downstream means the emissions that occur from the products we produce and sell.
Our compensation portfolio
We have developed a compensation portfolio that offsets emissions from our own operations, in collaboration with the Finnish non-profit Compensate, which offers companies and individuals easy access to high-quality greenhouse gas emission compensation.
We are committed to a culture of respect and a high level of ethical standards. This means that we work proactively to prevent and detect serious violations, misconduct, and irregularities in the business in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
Sustainability strategy
Along with our targets and the principles that we have adopted, our sustainability strategy is designed to ensure that we conduct our operations in a sustainable manner.
Responsible lending
We shall mainly finance housing for private individuals and support our customers' savings and investment activities. By ensuring our customers' repayment capacity, we can conduct responsible and sustainable lending.
Code of Conduct
The Bank of Åland's Code of Conduct explains our way of working and how we manage our business and relationships in order to help us act responsibly. The Code of Conduct applies to our relationships with customers and our actions as employers and employees, as well as our relationships with shareholders, investors, suppliers and business partners.