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The Bank of Åland’s sustainability strategy

Our sustainability strategy has four areas of responsibility

Responsible investments

Our ambition is to obtain a basic knowledge of the operations of the companies we invest in and, above all, to thoroughly examine the sustainability of these business operations.

Responsible lending

Our main task shall be to finance housing for private individuals and to support our customers' savings and investment activities.

Social responsibility

We work actively with social sustainability, which is about inclusion, equal worth, sound values and a deep involvement in the community as a company.

Environmental responsibility

Our ambition is to raise awareness of our carbon dioxide emissions and to continuously reduce them.

Supporting environmental projects has been a part of the Bank of Åland’s activities since 1997.

€5 million

At the Bank of Åland, we want to set an example to other actors around the Baltic Sea and remind people that everybody can do their share to help the situation. Supporting environmental projects has been a part of the Bank of Åland’s activities since 1997. To date we have supported environmental work with €5 million.

The Baltic Sea Project – Together we make a difference

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Åland Index is the world’s leading climate impact index live in 20 countries.

Åland Index is the first ever Independently Assured CO₂e and H₂O Impact Index by EY.

With Åland Index, financial service providers can deliver personalized, impact data-driven services to their customers, responding to a new era of shared responsibility between the user and the provider.

Read more about Åland Index
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Åland Index is robust, up to date and continuously expanded with additional impact sources and financial data sets.

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The Åland Index works like this

The Baltic Sea Card is connected to the Åland Index.

The Åland Index estimates the environmental impact of your card purchases based on the category of the industry.

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You can see an estimate of your individual carbon footprint monthly at the online bank and at the mobile bank.

Based on your carbon footprint, you can give back to nature by changing your behaviour or funding local or international environmental initiatives.

The Baltic Sea Project & The Baltic Sea Card

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Nordic asset management with global coverage

We strive to have a basic understanding of the business of the companies in which we invest and, in particular, the sustainability of the company's operations is carefully scrutinised. Our management approach is active and all management is conducted in a responsible manner.

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