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Whistleblowing and reporting irregularities

We are committed to a culture of respect and a high level of ethical standards. This means that we work proactively to prevent and detect serious violations, misconduct, and irregularities in the business in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

The importance of reporting

It is important for us to mitigate risks and maintain confidence in our operations. If you, as an employee, partner, or another stakeholder, should discover irregularities in our operations, we encourage you to use our whistleblower channel to report them. This way, we can deal with irregularities as quickly as possible.

We encourage you to report any suspected abuse that may be of importance to us, so that we can investigate. This may include suspicions of fraudulent, unethical, or negligent conduct, in breach of laws and regulations.

All information should be provided in good faith. You do not need to provide evidence of your suspicion. It is sufficient that you, at the time of reporting, have reasonable grounds to believe that the information about the misconduct is true and accurate.

Do you have any complaints or comments?

Customer complaints and individual disputes should not be reported via our whistleblower channel. You can read more here about customer complaints at the Bank of Åland Plc (in Swedish).

How are you protected?

The registration and handling of personal data is strictly confidential and classified as secret. You can choose to report anonymously or provide your name. We would like you to report openly by providing your name and contact details, as this facilitates our investigation.

The Whistleblower Software is an external system that is separate from the Bank of Åland's IT system and does not track IP addresses or other information that can identify the person submitting a report.

If you are an employee or have another work-related relationship with the Bank of Åland Plc or the Bank of Åland Plc (Finland), Swedish branch, and your report concerns suspected misconduct relating to a breach of EU or national law, your case will be handled in accordance with the Whistleblower Act *. The same applies if you are employed by, or have a work-related relationship with Ålandsbanken Funds Ltd.

You have the right to request access to, correction of, or potentially deletion of the personal data related to your report. You also have the right to obtain information about what is stored about your case by contacting the Bank of Åland's Data Protection Officer or the responsible supervisory authority.

Read more in the Bank of Åland's privacy policy (in Swedish).

Supervision of the processing of personal data carried out in connection with the whistleblower channel is exercised by the Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman in Finland or the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection.

* Act (1171/2022) on the protection of persons reporting breaches of EU and national law in Finland or Act (2021:890) on the protection of persons reporting misconduct ("the Whistleblower Act") in Sweden.

How to submit a report?

To file a report, click “Create a report” below and follow the instructions provided.

You can submit a report in English, Swedish, or Finnish. Reports made in any other language will not be processed.

Select Bank of Åland if your report concerns the Bank of Åland Plc or the Bank of Åland Plc (Finland), Swedish branch. Select Ålandsbanken Funds Ltd if your report concerns Ålandsbanken Funds.

Create a report (Bank of Åland Plc) Create a report (Ålandsbanken Funds Ltd)

Reporting externally

Under certain circumstances, and as permitted by EU directive and national law, you can report misconduct externally to a public authority. Examples of external reporting channels are the centralised reporting channel of the Office of Chancellor of Justice in Finland or the Financial Supervisory Authority in Sweden.

For more information and to make an external report, please refer to the authority's website.