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Social responsibility

We work actively with social sustainability, which is about inclusion, equal worth, sound values and a broad community involvement as a company. We do this by:

    • being an active player in the Åland business community and thereby helping to promote societal changes related to sustainability issues

    • maintaining high ethical standards, through compliance with regulatory requirements and by helping to combat corruption, money laundering and other criminal activities

    • being an attractive employer that works proactively to retain and recruit competent and committed employees

    • striving to ensure that the experience and knowledge of both women and men are utilised and represented in all areas, roles and positions throughout our operations

    • creating a corporate culture in which differences are viewed as an asset. The goal is to remove all obstacles that prevent employees from being able to utilise their full potential

    • satisfying the proficiency requirements for all employees based on regulatory requirements and the Bank's proficiency needs linked to its strategy.

    Social responsibility objectives:

    We work actively to create a culture in which differences are viewed as an asset. The goal is to remove all obstacles that prevent employees from having the opportunity to utilise their full potential. All employees must have equal rights and opportunities in terms of work and development opportunities. There is absolutely zero tolerance for harassment and bullying, regardless of gender or other background. All managers within the Bank must possess a good understanding of how motivation and strong commitment drive profitability.

      • The gender balance in each department shall be in the range of 40-60 per cent.

      Objectives for sustainable employee commitment

      Our ambition is to achieve permanent high job satisfaction, with a corporate culture characterised by a sense of openness to different opinions, commitment and creativity among our employees.

        • A rate of absences due to illness below 2 percent in all departments. A commitment index above 8.0 at Group level.

        • Yearly employee turnover below 10 per cent.

        • 100 per cent participation in the internal staff training courses in Financial Proficiency linked to regulatory requirements.